Our Vision: to see people and communities made alive by the presence of Christ.


Our Core Values:


We do not want to over-program. We do not want to fill the space. We, instead, want to leave room for silence, for rest, for family, and, ultimately, for God. We keep the schedule simple, and we cultivate healthy rhythms throughout our lives.


Trusting that the Spirit is working in each of us and around us, we submit to what He is doing and therefore we mutually submit to each other. We do not elevate certain gifts above others, but long for everyone to have a voice. We recognize the authority of the Bible, and willingly submit ourselves under its authority.


We believe we are called to continue to disciple others, and to spread out to make Jesus known to more people. Our groups are expected to split and multiply when certain thresholds are met.



We give and we share. As Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be held on to, instead he emptied himself and served others. We strive to do the same. Instead of puffing ourselves up - we live generous lives for the good of others.


We believe in the priesthood of all believers. We believe and hold that we are better working together than going solo. We seek to build community and unity centered on the Truth of Christ and His Mission. We are His Body made of many different parts.


What We Believe:

You can find our statement of faith, and other important doctrinal documents here: https://www.cmalliance.org/about/beliefs/


Who We Are:


Jimmy & Ariana Sourile - Church Planters:

Jimmy and Ariana are the Planting Team for Ekklesia with Jimmy serving as our pastor. Jimmy and Ariana met at Crown College in MN and got married soon after graduation.

For five years they served at an Alliance church in Eagan MN before discerning a call to plant a church in Sioux Falls SD. They moved to Sioux Falls in the summer of 2019 to begin the work they felt called to do.
They have 2 kids, and they love spending time as a family and having others over. When not doing church work, Jimmy pursues nerd-like endeavors like competitive light saber fighting, and Ariana enjoys gardening, crafting and macrame.

Jimmy is also the pastor of The Seed Community Church. Ariana is a full-time mom and homeschools their children.

Our Story so far…

Ekklesia started meeting in a core team phase in February of 2021. We have just started our more public launch open to all who wish to join us. Currently, we meet on Sunday afternoons at one of our member’s houses in Sioux Falls. Feel free to reach out to us to get connected and plan a visit.